This is why blogging is changing the American media experience

This is why blogging is changing the American media experience

jonathan.hasson October 16, 2006

A lot has been said about how blogs are changing the way that people get their news.  For example, Hugh Hewitt’s book “Blog” was written around just this premise.  I tend to agree.  I get at least 90% of my news off of the Internet, mostly from blogs, and turn to the MSM (main stream media) for those intriguing videos to satisfy my need for “visual” news.  But even then, more and more video content is available on the net so maybe my entire need for the MSM will go away.

Rich Karlgaard’s recent posts about Cory Lidle’s unfortunate plane accident in NYC is an example where the blogging media hits the mark, and the MSM falls way short.  In the recent news coverage of Lidle’s accident, we heard lots of speculation from talking heads, but not much more.  There was some basic video showing a burning building, and not much more.  But, leave it to Rich, a fellow private pilot and owner of a similar Cirrus airplane to give some real expert opinion.  Here are Rich’s two posts:

    Thoughts on Cory Lidle’s Crash, and

    Final Thoughts on Cory Lidle’s Crash

In these posts, Rich expertly dissects the potential mistakes made during Lidle’s ill fated training run.  Rich also references a set of fantastic graphics from the New York Times (okay, here is my one hat tip the MSM…the Times has some great graphic artists on staff).

Go take a look at Rich’s articles.  They are concise and well though out.  I’m a big fan of Rich’s writings, and this just helps to make me a bigger fan.

Thanks Rich.


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