The Campbell Congressional Quiz

The Campbell Congressional Quiz

jonathan.hasson May 14, 2008

Our congressional representative, Congressman John Campbell (R-CA 48th District) issues periodic newsletters to his constituents. This weeks is a classic. It is a quiz about current events and politics in Washington D.C. A sample quiz question includes:

4) Gas prices are at record highs. Congress has done the following things to help alleviate the “pain at the pump:”

a) Allow environmentally sensitive oil and gas exploration in Alaska and the Gulf of Mexico

b) Eliminate the 75% tariff on imported ethanol and related sugar tariffs to lower the price of the most readily available alternative

c) Relax restrictions on construction of new oil refineries and nuclear power plants, not one of which (either) has been built in this country in over 30 years.

d) Lower the gas tax

e) none of the above

Answer: (e) But they have passed several bills raising taxes on domestically produced, and only domestically produced oil and gas. These tax increases either did not pass the Senate or were vetoed by the president or else the price of gas would be even higher.

The other questions are just as revealing as this one. Most are quite humorous. Go check it out.

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